Ensenada, B.C, Mexico

Since September 19th, I’ve been living in Ensenada, B.C, Mexico which is insane! I’m based out of the YWAM Ensenada campus completing a DTS (Discipleship Training School). Where I’ll be learning more about who God is and who I am through him. One of the reasons why I chose this specific school is because it’s a Music & Arts Collective DTS, which means I’ll be able to develop my music and learn how to co-create with God. This is as equally incredible and exciting as it is terrifying.

It has had its challenges for sure, but I’m loving living in and adapting to a different culture and learning the ups and down’s of community life. God has taken care of me and given me amazing friends and roommates.

It’s the beginning of week 4 this week which will be on Spiritual Warfare, so I’ll let you know how that goes. Week 1 was a Biblical overview – which was intense, but amazing. I learnt so much about the bible that I hadn’t even thought about. It was really great to get a different point of view on it all. Week 2 was on the Father heart of God which was so beautiful to get to know God’s heart better and see him work in so many different situations. Week 3 was on hearing Gods voice, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Throughout these past 3 weeks God has been speaking to me in different ways about a load of different things and I’m so excited to see how he continues to speak these next few months!

Tonight we just found out about outreach locations!! We we’re given the 2 options (Mexico or Uganda) and given 5 minutes to pray about it and chose one. So I’m going to Uganda! The locations in Uganda that we’ll be going to are: Jinja, Soroti and Raki. I’m super excited and I can’t wait to see how God uses us to help people.

I feel so blessed to be in this incredible environment surrounded by so many amazing and talented people. I really appreciate every moment and lately God’s been challenging me to live in the present which has been a challenge but also very rewarding. Words aren’t exactly my thing so here are a few photos of what’s been going on.

I’d appreciate your support too! So feel free to pray for me and the rest of the students/staff! I had planned on adding more photos to this post but on Friday night my hard drive broke and it has all my photos on it – so please pray for that! Also if you feel called to support me financially here are some ways to give:

There are two ways to contribute to my mission trip costs:

  1. Deposit into my bank account
    Danika Perkinson, 02-0484-0019751-083
  2. Go to https://ywamsdb.webconnex.com/Students (there is a card processing charge) Fill out the necessary details and submit the form. Please use my full full name ‘Danika Perkinson’ My course is ‘September 2019 – Music + Missions DTS – Ensenada’

Thanks for reading!

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